Monday, October 31, 2011

Monday Links

 *Happy Halloween!! Enjoy this collection of babies and little kids in awesome halloween costumes!

*Not a fan of babies in costumes? How about pets in literary themed costumes. Warning, these border on the slightly deranged!

*Read this interesting article in the New York Times about the very interesting Haruki Murakami, you won't regret it.

*This story had me in tears. A couple married 72 years died within hours of each other, holding hands. Beautiful.

*Stephen Fry is in my town! Tom and I are heading in to see him and Alan Davies in one of their QI Live shows tonight! But I'm hoping to stumble across him in person so if you guys see any hints on his twitter let me know!

*The Sydney Morning Herald did a write up for the release of Terry Pratchett's new novel Snuff, looking back at the life he's had, his goddess Narrativia, and his challenges with Alzheimers. A great read.


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