Thursday, October 4, 2012

BRB in Shanghai.

GUYS! Right now I'm somewhere in there ^ !! Well, I'll actually be in Hong Kong when you read this, but soon, SOON, I'll be in Shanghai visiting my sister and absorbing as much culture as possible. I've scheduled a few posts for the two weeks I'm away, so there'll be reviews and Monday Links as usual but I'll be unable to comment until I get back. Hope you all have fantastic fortnights full of fun things because I know I will!! Keep an eye on my Twitter (@Murphy_Kayleigh) and Instagram (@kleemurphy) for pictures because there'll probably be an absolute overload!

*Photo credit from here.


  1. Ooh have the best time! Safe travels!

  2. I'm insanely jealous. Have a great time and be safe!

  3. Thanks guys! I'm back, and aside from being incredibly tired I had the most amazing time. Seriously, add it to your travel lists, it's an incredible country!



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