Monday, September 16, 2013

Monday Links

Before the news broke of JK Rowling writing a new series of films set in the HP world my Monday Links was already shaping up to be heavily HP related and now it all makes sense! So enjoy these mostly HP related links and let me know in the comments what you think of the news from JKR, yay or nay? (I mean clearly it's yay, but is it the yay you were wanting?)

*Blackmilk is selling a range of Harry Potter themed swimmers, dresses and tights. If they weren't a gazillion dollars I would buy them all in a heartbeat. (Via Blackmilk)

*Charlie Hunnam was named as the uh, lucky (I guess?) actor set to play Christian Grey in the 50 Shades film. I couldn't give a shit about the film, but this post of why he's perfect for the role (i.e. Charlie Hunnam in a suit, Charlie Hunnam basically naked, abs, abs, more abs) is my kind of post. (Via Eonline)

*I thought this article about how Daniel Radcliffe has made Harry Potter "disappear" was great - I'm so glad the kids from HP, or the main trio at least, don't seem to be having too much trouble shedding their wizard robes for other roles. (Via Buzzfeed)

*It seems that there's going to be a bunch of new TV shows starting soon all based on books or characters from books. None really jump out as must-watches, but some good be pretty interesting takes on the sources. (Via Word and Film)

*I know you know I love Hermione, and I know you love Hermione, but let's just bask in the Hermione-ness of this particular link. (Via Hello Giggles)

*Horns premiered at TIFF last week and has been getting favourable reviews (from genre critics, which if you've read the book is understandable) but it looks like it might take awhile to get to our cinemas. (Via Uproxx)

*Ummmm, a Harry-Potter themed Myers-Briggs personality infograph?! I'm Neville :) (Via Huffington Post)


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