Monday, February 3, 2014

Monday Links

*Gif footage of Tom Hiddleston auditioning for Thor? Also, in the comments someone combined Hiddles and Chris Hemsworth and the result is droolworthy. DROOLWORTHY. (Via i09)

*So everyone has heard the controversial "Hermione should have married Harry" statement JKR made right? I know not everyone who did the readalong was team Hon (Ronione?) but has JKR forgotten what series she wrote? Harry and Hermione would have been worse than Harry and Ginny - which was already pretty terrible. I'm interested in seeing if the full article puts the statement more into context (Via Yahoo)

*30 powerful photos. I teared up a little a lot (Via Bored Panda)

*I posted the The Fault in Our Stars trailer the other day, but if you were after a more positive reaction you'd do better following this link. (Via Forever Young Adult)

*Glen Tickle schools us on how we've been incorrectly reading Romeo and Juliet. (viaGeeko System)

*Are any movies good enough to win the Oscars? An interesting piece about the backlash against nominated films (Via Flavorwire)

*OiTNB cast had a roller-skating party? I want to go to there. (Via Jezebel)

*More OiTNB news! Lori Petty is joining the cast! FUCKING TANK GIRL!! (Via Auto Straddle)


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